Day 18

Hello everyone,

I am heading towards the end of the FairPhone trial now and will soon be returning my device.

I thought I should write a brief summary of my experience and thoughts, i'll break it down into a pro's and con's section I think.


  • Ethically sourced
  • Easily repairable
  • Recyclable packaging
  • Good size
  • Nice screen

  • Price
  • Lack of OS update past Android 6
  • Build quality (subjective)
  • Older gen hardware

I think the device could be good for an organisation if it were running the current OS and security patches, and I think in terms of sustainabiity the mobile device is certainly a factor in the equation but not the main one, there are many many other things to take into acount that an organisation can do to improve sustainability, and a phone is almost certainly a step in the right direction.

Would I buy one?

That's quite a tough question, as morally I agree with the principles and ethos of the device, but my techie side likes bells, whistles, premium materials and fast current updates, So I have to conclude that I probably would not buy one for myself, however I would not be aversed to using one as a work phone, but as it stands for now I will keep a good grip on my Pixel.


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