Day 11

Hello All,

Well, not a lot to report today i'm afraid.

I have noticed the battery life to be acceptable on the FairPhone, It will generally last a day with moderate usage, and about a day and a half with light usage, obviously your milage may vary depending on how you use the device.

There does seem to be a bit of lag on the device when performing certain tasks, and the UI is noticably slower than my Pixel, I suspect this is down to the slower processor and lower memory.

One thing I forgot to mention at the start is the "feel" of the device, it has a decidedly 3D printed quality to it, some may like this, others not.

Personally I find it to be a bit too plasticy for my liking, as I quite like the aluminium and glass feel of the pixel, and the aeronautical aluminium feel of my Nokia 8.

My main concern from a security standpoint is still that the device ships with such an old operating system.
I will do further research into Android 6 in its current state.


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