Day 7

Hello all,

Ok, well I finally got an iPhone user to try the method I had discovered previously to switch from IOS to Android.

Sadly this method of transfer which uses Google Drive, only transfers your calendar, pictures and contacts.

While this may be enough for some users, it does not however transfer your SMS, iMessage chats, or apps.

The transfer cable and back to back method found on the Pixel devices, and in Android 8 does have this funtionality, there exists an Apple app on the Google Play store (paradoxical I know!) that facilitates the transfer, sadly this feature is missing on the FairPhone and I dont expect it will be possible until they either upgrade the OS, or provide their own means of acheiving this moving forward.

I am stll in testing phase with the corporate apps, and will continue to do so.

Since I have overcome a fair amount of the niggles i've had the blog may be quiet for a while, whilst I use the device in regular, daily usage scenarios.


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