
Showing posts from January, 2018

Day 7

Hello all, Ok, well I finally got an iPhone user to try the method I had discovered previously to switch from IOS to Android. Sadly this method of transfer which uses Google Drive, only transfers your calendar, pictures and contacts. While this may be enough for some users, it does not however transfer your SMS, iMessage chats, or apps. The transfer cable and back to back method found on the Pixel devices, and in Android 8 does have this funtionality, there exists an Apple app on the Google Play store (paradoxical I know!) that facilitates the transfer, sadly this feature is missing on the FairPhone and I dont expect it will be possible until they either upgrade the OS, or provide their own means of acheiving this moving forward. I am stll in testing phase with the corporate apps, and will continue to do so. Since I have overcome a fair amount of the niggles i've had the blog may be quiet for a while, whilst I use the device in regular, daily usage scenarios.

Day 6

Hello, I've had a bit more time to play with the FairPhone now and get more used to its specific set of nuances. For me personally the lack of NFC is a bit of a pain, as this means many of the daily security tasks I take for granted are a bit harder to perform, although admitedly, this will not affect most people, nor will it affect anyone in the workplace as far as I can tell, its just a personal niggle and also means that you are unable to use Android Pay should you wish, or any card services that can be replaced by NFC. Another thing I have noticed today is the slower than average processor, I'm not a big gamer or anything like that, but some apps I use I have noticed a slowdown in, I think this is probably a combination of low memory (2GB) and a CPU that is a few generations old, I particularly noticed it with LastPass when decrypting my vault, and a few times using the MS Outlook app when syncing. I have also found it amusing going back to Android 6 from my current

Day 5 (well, 3 in use)

Hello All, Another update to the FairPhone trial. Despite the lack of NFC on the FairPhone, which is honestly a bit of a pain for me, but may not affect some users, I was able to get my Yubikey Neo working as an external keyboard to input my 2FA code, which then got me into LastPass, I have also now managed to change my device over in our DUO 2FA management system. Here is how I got into lastpass: I used what is called a USB OTG (On The Go) cable, this allowed connection of my security key to the phone as if it were a keyboard.   This is not entirely ideal for me personally, but where there is a will there is a way! I have also found what I beleive is a way to move over from an iPhone to the FairPhone using Google Drive backup: I do not have an iPhone, but I will see if I can test it with someone that does. For now, I have finally managed to mirror all the apps and functionality from my Pixel to the FairPhone, So the next t

Day 2

Hello all, Continuing from yesterday after fully charging the phone, I am attempting to setup the device using the built in mechanisms provided by android. Android offers a few ways to transfer your data from one device to another, the latest Pixel phones and Android 7.1.1/8 actually offer the ability to transfer from an IOS/iPhone device if you are coming out of that ecosystem, Sadly one issue I have found with the FairPhone is that as the version of Android supplied with it is version 6, this functionality is missing. However, It does support the "setup nearby device" option that is common to all Android devices from V5 onwards. This can be accessed from the settings menu, then Google settings. when a new device is in range, it will detect it and allow you to select it, then it will pass your authentication details over to setup the new device. Another issue I have have to report is due to the lack of fingerprint sensor, it can make 2Factor applications a slight is

Day 1

Hello all, I have been given the opportunity by my workplace to test the FairPhone 2 device. In this blog I shall be putting it through its paces and trying to work out the pro's and con's of the device. For more information on the FairPhone please see their website here: FairPhone Let start with the obligatory unboxing...... Lots of recyclable materials. The device itself. Inside! Plug in charger and wake up.   Nice charging animation :) The technical specifications Operating System Operating System Android™ 6.0, Marshmallow Base platform Processors Snapdrago